New professions are now emerging in the world, one of which is content maker. It is directly related to social networks. Especially in recent times, the network Instagram is rapidly developing, and the ability to shoot beautiful photos and videos is necessary for everyone.
On November 7, 2023, at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, the Library and Information Centre organised a meeting/master class with content-maker Nazerke Akramova on the topic «The World – Digital Content».
During the masterclass, Nazerke taught how to take and edit great photos on a mobile phone. She also showed ways to create interesting stories for Instagram and motivated students to develop their personal page. In the first part of the workshop, students received theoretical knowledge, and in the second part they performed practical tasks.
At the end of the event, the participants asked the speaker interesting questions and exchanged opinions with each other.