New Arrivals

The bulletin “New Arrivals of Literature” informs readers quarterly about new books that have been received by the university library. The Bulletin is compiled on the basis of electronic catalog entries. The material is arranged in a systematic order by branches of knowledge, within sections – in the alphabet of authors and titles. The entries include a complete bibliographic description. At the end of the description, the cipher for storing the publication is indicated, on the right – the sigl for placing the publication in the fund.

The bulletin “New arrivals of literature” is published in electronic form. For references, contact the information and bibliographic service or the department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature of the Library and Information Center (ext. tel. 21-90)

Information Ссылка
11№ 1quarter 2023yearsgo link
10№ 2-3quarter 2022yearsgo link
9№ 1quarter 2022yearsgo link
8№ 4quarter 2021yearsgo link
7№ 3quarter 2021years go link
6№ 2quarter 2021years go link
5№ 1quarter 2021years go link
4№ 4quarter 2020years go link
3№ 3quarter 2020years go link
2№ 2quarter 2020years go link
1№ 1quarter 2020years go link
© Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages