Scientometric systems

Scientometric systems are databases that are a tool for tracking the citation of scientific publications, as well as the formation of statistical indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of indicators of demand, activity and indices of the influence of the activities of individual scientists and research organizations.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - wos-logo.jpg

Web of Science is a website that provides access to multiple databases and citation data for 256 disciplines (science, social sciences, arts and humanities). Access by subscription. The Web of Science Core Collection is the largest scientific citation database. It contains information on more than one billion bibliographic references. Each source cited is carefully indexed so that both the source and the original publication are searchable. Web of Science indexes not only articles, but also conference proceedings and books. Also, this database covers research, patents, standards. WoS is the only resource that stores and indexes cited sources since 1900. Copyright: Clarivate Ana

Scopus is the largest curated, unified peer-reviewed scientific literature annotation and citation database with built-in tracking, analysis, and data visualization tools. The database contains 23,700 titles from 5,000 international publishers, in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, medicine and the arts.)

  • More than 23700 publications (including over 4000 open access journals).
  • 280 specialized publications.
  • More than 166,000 books (20,000 more books added annually)
  • More than 560 book series.
  • More than 8.3 million conference reports (100,000 international conferences).
  • Articles in prepress (“Articles-in-Press“) from 8000 journals. Over 71 million records:
  • 64 million records since 1969 (contain article literature).
  • 6.6+ million records prior to 1970, the earliest of which dates back to 1788.
  • Over 39 million patent records from five worldwide patent offices. It covers three types of sources: book series, magazines, and trade journals. In addition, searches performed in Scopus also include searches in patent databases. The number of records is about 69 million. Time coverage from 2004 to the present. Copyright: Elsevier B.V
© Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages