«Heroism Left in the Shadows»

On December 3, in the study hall of the Faculty of Translation and Philology named after R.S. Amir, a meeting was held with renowned writer and researcher Zhalgaskali Dutmaganbetov, organized by the Department of Romance Languages. During the event, themed “Көлеңкеде қалған ерлік” (“Heroism Left in the Shadows”), Zhalgaskali Dutmaganbetov’s book 1812: Guerre et Paix (1812: War and Peace) was presented.

The author discussed the writing process, the book’s central themes, and its significance in preserving national identity.

The writer expressed gratitude to the students for their interest and emphasized that such creative meetings enable readers to gain a deeper understanding of history through literature.

© Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages