🏢Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages has access to the IPR SMART electronic library system (www.iprbookshop.ru ) from 07.02.2022 – until 11.02.2023.
EBS IPR SMART is among the top three and is an aggregator of more
📔700 publishing houses. The EBS contains more than 😍150,000 publications, of which more than📚 50,000 are unique educational and scientific publications.
To provide remote access, the work of applications for iOS and Android is additionally supported, and an application for people with visual disabilities for iOS and Android has also been developed. ►Go to the website◄
❗You can register at the university by any e-mail, and to study remotely, you need a login and password:
To get a username and password, write to the mail: library.ablaikhan@mail.ru