Compilation of bibliographic indexes

Biobibliographic indexes of the series “KazUIR & WL named after Ablai Khan” are published on the anniversary dates of the scientist.

The main goal is to organize the information of a bibliographic nature and demonstrate the directions of scientific activity of the teaching staff of the university.

Personal indexes include a curriculum vitae, a list of the main works of the university scientist (sometimes with the full text) and publications about him.

The biobibliographic index contains the following sections:

  • Introduction (short coverage of the role of a scientist in the field of this science, disclosure of the reader’s and target purpose, characteristics of the structure of the manual);
  • Biographical sketch (attention is paid to the characteristics of the directions of the professional, pedagogical, social activities of the scientist);
  • The main dates of life and work (established by studying publications, personal files, autobiography, reports, etc.);
  • Lists of publications about the teacher and / or scientist;
  • Lists of the scientist’s works (chronological and alphabetical order of publications or by type of publication: books, articles, research papers, patent documents, editing);
  • Scientific school of the scientist (a list of dissertation works of postgraduates and doctoral students is provided, the scientific supervisor of which was (was) the scientist;

Assistive device (index of co-authors)

The library, together with the faculty, compiles bio-bibliographic indexes based on state standards. Bibliographic descriptions correspond to GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up “, GOST 7.82-2001” Bibliographic record. Bibliographic Description of Electronic Resources: General Requirements and Compilation Rules ”. Abbreviations of words are given in accordance with GOST 7.0.12-2011 “Bibliographic record. Reduction of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules “.
© Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages