Library and Information Center of KazuUIR&WL invites you to take part in the event “Bookcrossing”, aimed to develop the culture of reading.
By taking part in our event, you will be able to:
-Exchange already read books for new ones;
–Get acquainted with like-minded people.
The principle of book exchange:
Surrendering one book, you will receive one ticket in return;
How many tickets you hand in, how many books you can get;
Do not lose your tickets, otherwise you will not be able to exchange books.
Please bring interesting and readable books.
Note: the book you bring to the book exchange must be in good condition and published within the last decade.
Book collection will be held from 11th of 21 November 11.00-16.00
The book exchange itself will take place on 11th of 21 November 11.00-16.00
Place of the event: Kopylenko Reading Room, 2nd floor.
We will be waiting for you at our event! See you soon!