
Book exhibition

On October 24, 2024, a book exhibition dedicated to the National Holiday of the Republic of Austria was organized in the reading room of literature in foreign languages.

“Komplett Kafka”

On October 30, 2024, a presentation on the topic “Komplett Kafka” was held, dedicated to the life and works of the famous Austrian writer Franz Kafka, accompanied by a slideshow. The speaker was the scientific advisor of the Austrian Library, Professor B.Zh. Shpikbayeva.

Rysaldy Kusain Tynysbaiuly

On October 10, 2024, a book exhibition was held dedicated to the scientific works of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Rysaldy Kusain Tynysbaiuly.

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Open access to the LexisNexis electronic library system (LexisNexis) Dear readers !!! The Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan has been granted access to the NexisLexis resource on the legal database. Nexus One offers access to the legal bases of the USA, EU, England and other countries. The database …

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