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A global leader in providing valuable data and robust analytics to accelerate innovation
Is one of the four largest scientific publishing houses in the world, which annually publishes about a quarter of all articles from scientific journals published in the world.
Is a unified bibliographic and abstract database of peer-reviewed scientific literature.
An international publishing house that specializes in the production of academic publications.publishes publications for students and teachers of higher educational institutions
Contains literature for different specialty groups, allowing institutions of different specialties to find publications of interest to them
The largest provider of scientific resources of the world's leading publishing houses
Is an electronic source of legal information in the state and Russian languages containing all normative legal acts of the country.
Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library - information and reference search library system
The Kazakhstan Tourism Association (KTA) was founded in May 1999 with the support of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a republican industry association engaged in the development and promotion of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan.
A full-text database of the best articles of the Russian and foreign business press.
It offers a wide range of magazines from leading Russian publishers, as well as publishers from the former USSR countries.

Presentation of the book
"Dream more"



Networking meeting -
"Men and Women"


Saken Seifullin - 130 years old


WhatsApp Image 2024-02-16 at 15.48.07

Education 5.0: Challenges and Prospects
for Academic Libraries


Frequently asked questions

Yes, you must register to use library services.

The maximum number of books that can be borrowed is five books. Academic books are issued until the end of the academic semester. The loan period for fiction is 15 days with the possibility of further extension for 1.5 months.

Be sure to approach the librarian with this question. He will offer you to replace the publication with the same or equivalent in content and cost.

You can see the list of full-text databases on the site of the Library and Information Center of KazUIR & WL Ablai Khan in the interface of the main page of the site.

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© Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages